Sabtu, 06 April 2019

Auto Insurance Frisco Tx Dont Believe These Auto Insurance Myths

Auto Insurance Frisco Tx Dont Believe These Auto Insurance Myths
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Whether youre new to the world of auto insurance Frisco TX or youre an old hand at insuring vehicles, there are probably a few things youve heard about insurance that doesn't sound like it should be true. As with anything else youre going to pay a lot of money for, its good not only to learn as much as you can about auto insurance but to separate insurance fact from insurance fiction. Here are some of the myths you may have heard:

Best Auto Insurance Frisco TX: Red Cars Cost More To Insure

A red car may make you feel like driving faster, but your insurance company doesnt care about the color one way or another. What they do care about is the make, model, year, body style and engine size of your vehicle. They also care about your age, your driving record, the number of miles you drive annually and where youre going to be driving your car. Other factors that determine what your premiums will be are the price of the vehicle, the cost to repair it, the models overall safety record and the likelihood of theft.

Affordable Auto Insurance Frisco TX: Your Credit Doesnt Affect Your Insurance Rate

Insurance companies do check your credit score when you apply for insurance and will likely take the score into account when you purchase new insurance, renew a policy or change your coverage. With your credit score in hand, your insurance company will determine your insurance score, which is a measure of how well you manage your finances, and determine how much your premiums will be based on that score.

Auto Insurance Frisco TX: The Minimum Insurance Required By Law Is All You Need

Texas, like almost every other state, requires you to buy a minimum amount of auto liability insurance. But the chances are good that youll need more liability insurance (the insurance that protects you against claims from another driver for injuries or vehicle damage) than Texas requires. Accidents often cost more than the minimum limits and, when the costs add up to more than your policy covers, whats left will have to come out of your pocket.

Best Auto Insurance Frisco TX: Your Policy Will Cover Your Car If Its Stolen, Vandalized Or Damaged By An Act Of Nature

To fully protect your vehicle, you must purchase optional coverage that isnt part of your basic policy. Comprehensive coverage will pay for damage not associated with a collision - like vandalism or hail damage. Collision coverage ensures that you will be able to repair or replace your own vehicle in case of an accident.

Affordable Auto Insurance Frisco TX: Personal Property Inside Your Car Is Covered By Auto Insurance

Personal possessions, no matter how expensive they are, arent covered by your auto insurance. If the golf clubs you keep in the trunk are damaged in a rear-end collision or your laptop or phone are stolen from your vehicle, youll have to file a claim through your homeowners insurance policy.

To learn more about auto insurance Frisco TX, call Anthony Blackmon Agency at (469) 291-9006.

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